Kybella Treatment

Stubborn excess fat deposits affect many people, which are resistant to diet and exercise. One of the most common areas to carry excess fat is under the chin, called submental fullness or more commonly a “double chin”. Fortunately, there is a new injectable treatment called Kybella, proven to slim your double chin and eliminate fat.
If you’re self-conscious about your double chin in the last photograph or selfie, request your Kybella consultation today to learn more.

What is Kybella?

Kybella is an injectable cosmetic that permanently destroys fat cells with far less downtime and discomfort, compared to surgical options. Kybella is an excellent alternative to minor liposuction for those looking for gradual improvement with less downtime.

How Does Kybella Work?

This injection treatment utilizes deoxycholic acid, which is a naturally occurring molecule in the body’s bile that helps destroy and absorb dietary fat. When Kybella is injected into the fatty tissue, it begins to break down the excess fat. Once destroyed, those fat cells will no longer be able to accumulate or store fat, making this a permanent solution.

The number of treatments necessary differs for each patient. Some are happy with their results after one treatment, and some may find that they need more. The number of treatments required will be determined by your doctor and your personal aesthetic goals. Each treatment must be done four to six weeks apart and it is usually not helpful to exceed 6 treatments.

Who Can Benefit from Kybella?

There are a variety of factors that can cause the dreaded “double chin”. However, common patients that can receive great benefit from Kybella are:

    • Patients with a healthy lifestyle
    • Patients who want to avoid a lot of downtime, as Kybella is brief treatment that often has only minor side effects such as swelling and soreness at the injection site.
    • Patients with a genetic predisposition to “double chin” that may be a result of your genetics. Each person has a unique facial structure, meaning some people hold more fat in certain areas.

Who should not use Kybella?

Kybella must be used on patients who have ideal skin elasticity for best results. Since Kybella is formulated to dissolve fat cells, providing a slimmer look, it may not firm or tighten loose skin.

How Does Kybella Work?

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